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COVID-19 Update

The continuing COVID-19 pandemic is causing concern and there is much uncertainty at the moment. 


In compliance with Australian and State government guidelines, effective immediately SJP Law will be temporarily suspending face to face consultations with clients until further notice. This is to ensure we can maintain social distance and ensure the safety and wellbeing of all our valued clients, staff and families. 


SJP Law will continue to operate in its full capacity however staff will be working remotely and the entire office will be operational remotely without any personal contact between staff and clients. All appointments will be altered to be by phone or web camera such as Facetime or Skype. 


If there is a need for you to attend at our office to sign documentation, then special arrangements can be made however this will need to be made in advance by phone. If you are attending our office for the purpose of pre-arranged signing of documents we would ask you to put your own, and that of our staff members and their families’, health first. 


Even if you have not been overseas or interstate or have had close contact with someone who has travelled or transited from overseas or interstate recently, but if you feel unwell or if you are showing any of the symptoms associated with the Covid virus please refrain from attending our office. We ask that you contact us immediately to rearrange the appointment. 


Further, our office will now be ‘hands-free’, meaning that you will be asked to refrain from handshakes while visiting our office. Please take advantage of the alcohol-based hand sanitiser available at our office. 


As we continue to observe the COVID-19 situation the health and wellbeing of our staff, families, friends and clients remains our highest priority. 


As many of you may have already experienced, parents trying to juggle their family’s health and wellbeing with their obligations under the Family Law Act in complying with 


Orders presents new challenges. In an effort to allay your concerns please rest assured that we will continue to progress all family law matters for our clients, including new issues that might arise as best we can while ensuring the health and wellbeing of our staff, families, friends and clients. 


We have effectively managed to set our team to work remotely so that we can continue to provide our services through phone appointments, and/or Zoom and Skype conferences. You can continue to contact our office as normal business hours to be redirected accordingly. 


Further, during this difficult time we are hoping to provide our clients with as many resources as possible to help them transition through and manage the additional strains that are put on parties trying to co-parent during the impacts on the COVID virus. 


Please contact the office on 07 5443 6500 to discuss your matter or to make a phone appointment. 


We thank you for your understanding and continued support. 


Please note, we will continue to monitor the situation and review our position in accordance with the health advices from the Australian and Queensland Governments.