Experienced Divorce Lawyers Sunshine Coast
Working through a separation, property settlement, parenting issues or a divorce, is a difficult process involving complicated legal issues. When choosing a divorce lawyer in the Sunshine Coast, at SJP Law, we provide reliability, sincerity, and care.
Issues involving parenting agreements and property settlements can be emotionally charged and challenging to work through alone. Enlisting professional help is the best way to achieve a positive outcome for all parties involved.
At SJP Law, we provide easy to understand and expert legal services for your divorce, putting you and your family’s needs first.
The idea of going to court might trouble you. Fortunately, we specialise in settling matters outside of court, wherever possible through mediation. This process reduces emotional stress and eliminates unnecessary legal costs.
We offer support, services, and advice surrounding:
- Property settlements
- Child support
- Parenting arrangements
- Divorce
- Financial agreements
- Legal guidance and advice
- Support through court proceedings and negotiations
- Separation
Family Mediation And Dispute Resolutions
Our local Sunshine Coast family lawyers have expert knowledge and experience when it comes to family mediation and dispute resolution to help you avoid the experience and stressful court process.
When working through a family separation it can be difficult to come to an agreement with the other party. Of course, it’s always best to work through these issues with your former partner if you can—but sometimes, this simply isn’t possible.
That’s where we come in.
Parenting Arrangements And Child Support
If you’re going through a separation and there are children involved, they will of course be your number one priority. You’ll want to support your child or children through the process, reduce worry, and eliminate stress.
Our family lawyers specialise in parenting arrangements ensuring the children’s best interests are a priority.
Court applications
Applying for divorce or property settlement is a complicated and difficult process for many in the Sunshine Coast. At SJP Law, we’ll guide and support you through every step of the process, ensuring you don’t have to go it alone.
If you have any questions about applying for a divorce or property settlement on the Sunshine Coast, feel free to get in touch with our team. We’ll happily provide trusted and expert advice.
At SJP Law, our family law accredited specialists and experienced staff will work closely with you throughout the property settlement process to help you achieve an amicable outcome that is in your best interests and the best interests of your children.
Often, this process is long, complex, and stressful—so working with an experienced professional will give you breathing room and peace of mind.
We’ll help you with:
- Court applications
- Mediation and arbitration
- Consent orders
- Binding financial agreements
There’s so much to work through in the property settlement process, including arranging valuations and dividing up assets. We’ll also provide expert guidance on everything to do with property settlement and asset division, making sure you understand the process and what to expect.
Call today
There’s so much to think about when you’re facing a de facto relationship or marriage breakdown.
To learn more about how our team can help you work through the complicated divorce process, give us a call today. We’ll provide expert advice and tailored support to suit your unique needs.